Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Here we go...

Emily and I have been considering starting a blog for some time now, but we have only just now gotten around to it. We'll skip the small talk and dive right in.

On March 3rd of this year, we closed on our first house. It's an older (1963) ranch style with a full basement. It needed a lot of cosmetic work, and thanks to a recent flooding, some structural work as well. If you can call drywall replacement "structural work". It might as well be to us, we are novices at home ownership. Note to selves: novices at home ownership shouldn't start out with a 45 year old house. Emily tells herself quite often, "We should have bought a brand-new clone." We'll post before and after pictures as soon as there is an after. That might be some time...

At any rate, we'll post more later. We're quite busy nowadays - I know those of you with homes AND children are scoffing at us now, but be kind, we're newbies. But for now I have to go, it's Sunday morning. I can hear Emily stirring in the bedroom, hopefully making a move to turn off the alarm clock. It's playing "I Want a New Drug" by Huey Lewis. Later-


Anonymous said...

Hey, guys! I'm so glad you started a blog! I love to keep up with friends and family through them. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your new house. How exciting! We are right there with you. We are moving into our new house tomorrow, so today is especially busy. Of course, having Radnor in the mix makes things even crazier! Hope we can get together this summer! We miss you both.

The Alaskan Hewletts said...

Yeah! you have a blog... and a house! Congratulations! No doubt that you will enjoy making it your home. I look forward to the picture. - Hewletts
