Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Mother's Day and First Road Trip

I was so excited for my first Mother's Day. I was counting on Russ pampering me all day! Unfortunately, a few weeks before Mother's Day, we found out that Russ was going to have to go to Denmark for work. His flight was scheduled to leave the day before Mother's Day. I was pretty disappointed.

So I decided that to make Mother's Day special, Hank and I would take our first road trip to Tennessee to visit our relatives. My mother-in-law and father-in-law live in Lexington, TN so we were driving from Lexington to Lexington! Hank's great grandparents, Dee Dee and Grandaddy Pierce also live in Lexington, Tennesse so we got to visit them as well. I was very nervous about making the long drive all by myself. I also took our 50 pound dog, Scout, with me. I was so worried that Hank would have a meltdown right in the middle of 5 lanes of traffic in Nashville. The plan was to drop Russ off at Bluegrass Airport and then head straight to the in-laws. Hank was fussy on the way to the airport and I started to wonder what I had gotten myself into. However, once we arrived at the airport, I got him out of his carseat to say goodbye to his daddy. After I put him back in his carseat, he calmed down and went to sleep....and he slept the whole trip to Lexington! It only took us 4.5 hours to get there because as long as Hank was sleeping, then I wasn't stopping. I had just enough gas to get to their house. I was so thankful to God that our trip went well! I know that He was watching over us!

On the way back, Hank was a little fussier and we did have to stop once for a bathroom break for Scout and me and a feeding for Hank. I also decided to get gas during our stop. Another customer accidentally pre-paid on my pump because she didn't know what gas pump she parked at. How do you not pay attention to that? Luckily, I had cash to give the attendant since I had already pumped the gas that the other lady had paid for. So that fiasco didn't end up delaying us too much. I also went through the Wendy's drive through to get myself something to eat on the road. I got all of those things done in 30 minutes and was pretty proud of myself! So we made it back home in 5 hours.

We had a great time in Tennessee! My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Nathan and Meridy Kizer, also came to visit for Mother's Day. They have an 11-month-old little boy named Denver. There is only 7 months age difference between our little guys and I am sure that they will have so much fun playing together once they get bigger. I can't believe that Denver will be a year old next month. It seems like only yesterday that we were getting the call that he was born!

We stayed busy all week. On Sunday, we went to church and for a Mother's Day lunch at Pin Oak Lodge. On Sunday night, we went back to church as the men of the church had a dessert cook-off for the ladies. It was delicious! On Monday, we went shopping in Jackson after we dropped Grandaddy Pierce off at the eye doctor. On Tuesday, Hank's other great grandmother, MeMe, came to visit from Arkansas. On Tuesday night, we went to a Survivor's Dinner with Nonnie as part of "Relay for Life." Nonnie has been cancer free for 7 years now and that makes us so happy! On Wednesday, we went shopping in town and met lots of Nonnie and Daddy Nelson's friends. After a busy week, we rested on Thursday so that we would have enough energy to make the long trip back home on Friday.

We had so much fun during our visit! We always get spoiled and it makes it hard to come back to reality. Here are a few pictures from our trip:

Mother's Day at Pin Oak Lodge
Front Row: Hank and Daddy Nelson
Back Row: Nonnie, Me, Denver, Meridy, Nathan, Dee Dee, Grandaddy Pierce

We took two group pictures and I couldn't decide which one was better so I posted both of them!
I love all of the bright colors in this picture!

Nonnie and Hank at Pin Oak Lodge
This was Nonnie's first Mother's Day as a grandmother since both Denver and Hank were born after last Mother's Day!

Daddy Nelson entertains Hank at the Survivor's Dinner.

MeMe and Hank

Denver with the dogs
Sissy is outside.
Scout and Baylor are inside wanting out.
Denver just started walking a few weeks ago. 
I am sure that it will seem like no time before Hank is joining him!

I would be remiss if I didn't give one last "Thank You" to Nonnie and Daddy Nelson for a great trip!  We had a wonderful time.  We can't wait to come back this summer when Russ can come with us!

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