Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


RE: Strategy meet

Did you see these marketing packages for your company? Can you please forward this to the right person?

1. 20,000 Targeted and verified Email and phone list (business/consumer database) at $500
2. Email marketing to 100,000 contacts of your choice at $250
3. 10,000 specific event attendees email list at $500
4. 10,000 LinkedIn Leads with links at $750
5. Update 10,000 of your prospect database with verified email, phone, LinkedIn link etc. at $500
6. 20 qualified leads at $2,000/10 scheduled appointments at $1,500
7. 1,000 tele calling for appointment setting/sales at $1,000
8. 1 month Social Media Marketing at $100
9. 1 month SEO at $100
10. 1 month Public Relations/Content Marketing/Podcast Marketing at $200
11. 2 Video Marketing for a month at $200
12. 1 Animated/whiteboard video creation for services/product promotion at $250
13. 1 month E-Commerce website marketing at $500
14. 1 month Mobile Marketing & Advertising at $250
15. 50,000 Web Traffic in a month at $500
16. 1 month PPC campaign, Press release, Banner ad creation at $500


Linda Brown
Marketing Manager
Event Attendees Summit
+1 - (678) 745-8385

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