Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


First Walk

We have had a pretty bad winter so far with lots of snow and low temperatures.  Yesterday, we got a little break from the cold as it was mild and in the 50's.  So Hank, Scout, and I decided to venture out on our 1st walk together.  I wasn't sure how it would go since Scout usually drags me on our walks as she tries to chase squirrels.  However, we only saw a couple of squirrels on our walk so I would say that it went pretty well overall.

As we were finishing up our walk, I ran into one of our neighbors down the street who just had a little boy exactly one week after Hank was born.  She was also on her first walk with her little guy and her dog.  It was probably comical if someone was watching us trying to hold onto our strollers with one hand and wrangle our dogs with the other as we introduced ourselves.  It's great to know that Hank may have a playmate just down the street!


We took this picture when we returned from our walk as proof that we survived!

We still made sure that Hank was good and bundled up for his walk.

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