Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Red wine and new fatherhood don't mix...

Friday night as Emily and I sat downstairs watching television, she in the recliner and I on the loveseat holding my son and working on my second glass of wine, I had a sudden flash-forward and envisioned a gangly teenaged Hank lying on the now empty couch, relaxing with his parents.

I got a bit misty, and through a few embarrassed tears I recounted my vision to my now grinning wife, who tenderly and a bit laughingly took my hand as I vowed to add "new fatherhood" to my ever-expanding list of things you shouldn't mix with red wine - watching "Saving Private Ryan", video clips of 9-11, etc. You get the idea.

And the boy can't even smile at me yet. I'm in big trouble.

1 comment:

thenonnie said...

I can't say you'll pay for your raising cause you were a pretty good boy. So whatever Hank brings to you and Emily, well, let's just say I hope he has as good a heart as his daddy and mommy have. I remain "the nonnie"
