Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


2-month old MD appointment

Hank had his 2-month old doctor's appointment yesterday.  It was about 2 weeks late, but that was the first appointment that we could get with the particular pediatrician that we wanted to see.  There are 11 pediatricians in the practice that we go to and I wanted to be sure and see the one that evaluated Hank during his first week of life.  She is a great and reassuring doctor, which is very important for a new mom!

Here are Hank's stats:
Weight: 11 pounds 8.5 ounces (51st percentile)
Height: 23 inches long (58th percentile)
Head Circumference: 40.5 cm (79th percentile)

Despite being little when he was born, Hank has caught up beautifully!  The doctor told me that they run about 20 tests on newborns in the hospital.  She said that the results come in between the 2 week and 2 month appointments.  She said that all of Hank's test results were normal.  He is a healthy and growing boy!

Hank did have to get 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine at his doctor's appointment yesterday.  He was so happy and smiling at the doctor's office so it made me really sad when he got his shots.  He cried a few big tears, but as soon as we got in the car, he fell fast asleep.  He seems to be feeling good today and it's a relief to have those old shots over with for a couple of months.

As far as development is concerned, Hank has been smiling more and more lately.  No matter how tired I am, his little smile can always melt my heart.  His neck muscles are getting stronger and he likes to try and look around when we are holding him.  He also turns his head to follow mommy and daddy's voice.  He has rolled up to his side a couple of times, but he hasn't rolled over yet.  He still sleeps in his swing.  I have tried getting him to take naps in his bed, but I guess that he still likes to feel cuddled in the swing.  He usually wakes up about every 3 hours to eat......even at night.  A couple of nights ago, he did sleep from 12:30 until 5:30 a.m. and that felt awesome.  I felt like Super Woman the next day!  But last night, he was back to his every 3 hour routine.  Maybe that had something to do with his shots yesterday.  I guess that we'll see tonight......

I will leave you with a few of Hank's latest pictures:

After I put my photo book together, I realized that I didn't have many pictures of Hank and Grandmama.  This picture was taken at my nephew's 6th birthday party last night.  Grandmama just had cataract surgery on both eyes over the last 2 weeks.  After wearing glasses for 65 years, she now just has to wear reading glasses.  We are so thankful that she had successful surgeries!  Praise God!

My sister took this picture of Hank a couple of weeks ago.  This is the only picture where Hank looks like me in my baby pictures.  I love it!

This picture was taken while Russ was holding Hank as I was getting his bath ready earlier this week.  He loves looking around to see what's going on.  I love his sweet, little face!

1 comment:

thenonnie said...

Great pictures of your mom and Hank.So glad she did well with her second surgery. She looks great.Thanks for sharing the pictures with me I am really enjoying seeing his progress. He is really growing! He is a healthy baby.Love you, Nonnie
