Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Mommy's Birthday

Thursday March 3rd was Emily's birthday - happy number ##!  I don't think she's really self-conscious about her age, but I thought I'd rather be safe than sorry.  She wanted an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins with chocolate cake and cookies and cream ice cream, so that's what she got. 

She enjoyed every piece of it.  I took off work on Friday so that I could stay up with Hank on Thursday night, and Emily got some much-needed sleep.  Hank has his good nights and bad nights.  The most he's slept is about four and a half hours in a row.  He usually eats at around 11, then 2AM, then around 6 or so if we're lucky.  He's eating a lot and growing very quickly.

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