Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Smokin' and Jokin'

Our good friends Melanie and Ben Bowzer came over Friday night for some QT.  It was fairly warm, so we made a fire in the fire pit.  Ben and I smoked pipes and drank scotch whisky while the ladies chatted about whatever it is they chat about.  Hopefully about what bathroom cleaners and laundry detergents work the best.  I'm joking, of course.  I learned a valuable lesson this morning - cleaning up after myself is far more important now that Emily is staying home.  I don't do anything different than I did when we both worked, but because she is at home now, when I leave dishes in the sink instead of putting them in the dishwasher, it gives the impression that I expect her to clean up after me.  Not the case - I'm just being lazy.  Well, it's time to step it up a notch.  Point taken.

Relaxing by the fire
Emily bundled up Hank so he could join us by the fire.

1 comment:

thenonnie said...

I just love the pictures.Hank's smile is contagious(SP?) Anyway,it made me smile. The Moby wrap works great after all! Yeah! He has always liked to look forward so he can see what's going on. The fire looked great! And of course Hank looked adorable. He is really growing. I will be glad to see if he remembers my voice (hint Skype). The birthday pictures were good as well and I have enjoyed the fb pics too. You are doing a great job as first time parents. Love, Nonnie
