Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Baby Pool

Hank loves bath time so I was sure that he would love relaxing in the pool. I found this cute baby pool at Wal-Mart this past weekend. It looked perfect for our little guy so we blew it up, filled it with warm water, and added a rolled up towel for neck support. Hank wasn't as thrilled with it as I thought he would be, but I have included a few of my favorite pictures anyway.

Daddy and Hank chatting in their respective swimming pools.

My boys

Trying to get comfortable

Hank seemed to like being wrapped up in the warm towel.

Sitting up with a little help from dad.

I had to include a picture of the warning on the side of the baby pool because I thought that it was so funny. I must first note that the pool only holds 2-4 inches of water. My two favorite warnings are: 1) NO diving and 2) Pool fencing laws may affect this product, please contact your local council for further information.

I can't imagine going to Home Depot to buy fencing materials for this little pool!  Good thing that our backyard is already fenced in! Ha! Ha!

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