Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Rice Cereal

We have started Hank on rice cereal. He seems to like it so far, but hasn't quite mastered eating from a spoon. I think more cereal ends up on his face and bib than in his mouth! I am only giving him about a tablespoon of cereal each day and he gets a little better at swallowing from a spoon with each try. Here are some of my favorite pictures from his feeding on Monday:

"I'm ready for another bite."

Mommy's little bird

"This cereal is pretty tasty! Why haven't I tried it before now?"

"Oh. The cereal is supposed to stay IN your mouth. Gotcha."

"I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach!"

"Maybe if I suck on my fingers while mommy feeds me then the cereal will go down easier."

One last bite.....

"Now that I have a full belly, I think that I'm ready for a nap."

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