Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Stand Up, Stand Up Little Hank

Hank loves to practice standing up.  He has been trying to stand since he was only a couple months old.  Russ makes it a game and says, "One...Two...Three...Stand Up!"  Hank holds on tight to Russ' fingers as he helps him to stand.  Hank always gets this look of anticipation/excitement on his face as Russ starts to count.

Getting ready to practice standing


"I did it, Mommy!"

"He we go again.  I can't wait!"

Holding tight to daddy's thumbs

I had to include this picture because his little booty looks so cute in these pajamas that grandmama bought him.  He is starting to look more like a little boy and less like a baby.  I didn't think that would happen until he was at least one! He is growing up too fast!

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