Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Little Boy in Blue

Over three years ago, when my sister found out that she was pregnant with her second child, she was sure that she was having another boy.  I happened to be in the Dollar Store shortly after she told me that she was pregnant again and I came across this cute little outfit for six dollars.  I loved the turquoise color!  (I think that babies look so cute in bright colors.)  Well, come to find out, my sister was expecting a little girl!  My niece, Sallie Kate, is a doll and I am so glad that she is part of our lives, but I was left with this little blue outfit hanging in my closet.  I guess that I was too embarrassed to give it away to anyone other than family since it came from the Dollar Store.  Little did I know when I bought this outfit that over three and a half years later, I would be putting it on my own son.  I'm glad that I saved it because it looks good on him if I do say so myself!  Here are some pictures of my cutie pie wearing my Dollar Store find:

Of course, Scout always has to get in on the action.  She loves to give Hank kisses.  I guess that there is something about a baby's scent that dogs love, too!

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