Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


First Dip in the Big Pool

After trying out his baby pool, Hank took his first dip in the big pool with Daddy's help.  I think that the water was a little cool for Hank's taste.  I had to post these pictures because his facial expressions are priceless!  He didn't cry even though he didn't care for the cooler water.  He's a tough little guy! It looks like he has enough fat on him to insulate him pretty well.  Hopefully, as the water warms up throughout the summer, Hank will tolerate more time in the big pool.

Pre-dip in the big pool

"This water is cold. What is daddy doing to me?"

"Get me out of this cold water, Daddy!"

"Thank goodness I survived! Mommy, get my warm towel ready."

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