Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


On May 31st, 2010.....

I found out that I was pregnant. I was shocked!

Here's the complete story:

In 2010, Russ and I were coming up on our 7th wedding anniversary. We'd had plenty of time together as a couple so we had planned to start "trying" for a baby in June 2010. I had an OB appointment in April 2010 and I had even used an ovulation kit that month to make sure that everything was working as it should. I was going to be very scientific and planned about the whole getting pregnant process.

Russ and I had a big trip to St. Lucia planned at the end of April 2010 so that we could attend one of my best friend's destination weddings. I am not really a calendar keeper, but I remember being frustrated that my "monthly visitor" came while we were on vacation.

Fast forward to May 2010. May 31st was Memorial Day and Russ and I were having a mostly lazy day around the house. I noticed that my "monthly visitor" had not come yet, but I wasn't worried because I wasn't that late. I happened to have three of the "First Response" pregnancy tests in the bathroom vanity drawer since we were going to start trying for a baby the next month. The tests said that they expired in May 2010. Who knew pregnancy tests had an expiration date? I think it's a conspiracy so that the pregnancy test makers can make more money! So I took one of the tests. I waited the appropriate amount of time and looked at the lines. There was one barely visable line and one really dark line. Russ said, "That means you're not pregnant." But when I matched my pregnancy test to the one on the box, it looked as if the control line on my test was the faint line and that it was the pregnant line that was really dark. I took the second test out of the box and had the exact same results. I thought that maybe there was a manufacturing problem and the screens had been flipped in the box of pregnancy tests that I had purchased. Russ kept insisting that there was really only one line and that it didn't matter where it was on the screen so it meant that I was NOT pregnant. I told him that I wasn't so sure that was the case. Finally Russ said, "Are there some tests that you can buy that say PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT?" I told him there were. Since we had some other errands to run, we headed straight to Wal-Mart. While I was in Wal-Mart, I was so confident that I wasn't pregnant that I bought an ovulation kit along with some more "First Response" pregnancy tests. I knew that I would need the ovulation kit to use during the month of June while we were trying to get pregnant. And I did buy the pregnancy tests that said either "Yes +" or "No -". On the way home, Russ and I decided that I would take one of the new pregnancy tests the first thing the next morning because the instructions said that the tests are more accurate in the morning as there is a higher level of pregnancy hormone in the urine at that time.

Once home, I was watching a movie upstairs in our bedroom and Russ was watching a movie in the family room downstairs. We have very different tastes in movies so it just works out better that way. I don't have to watch Russ' violent movies and he doesn't have to watch my romantic comedies! My movie ended a little before Russ' and I just couldn't wait anymore. I was too anxious to try another pregnancy test. I took the test and laid it on the bathroom sink. I wasn't going to say anything to Russ until I had the results. The instructions for the test said to wait 2 minutes until reading the results. I thought Russ was still watching his movie. But as soon as I laid back down on the bed to wait for the results, Russ poked his head through the bedroom door and asked what I was doing. I replied, "Nothing." But Russ immediately knew something was up and said, "You took that pregnancy test, didn't you?" I said, "Yes, but don't look at it. The instructions say to wait 2 minutes." Of course, Russ walked immediately over to the pregnancy test. He said, " It says 'Yes Plus.' What does that mean?" I exclaimed, "You are kidding me!" I thought for sure he was joking. It had only been about 30 seconds since I had taken the test. But sure enough, there was a big "YES +" right on the screen. I said, "I guess that means that I'm pregnant." I wanted to cry out of anxiety! Russ was mad because he didn't get his "month of trying" to get pregnant. Russ ran to get the camera so that we could have pictures of this momentous occasion.

In this picture, I am feigning a smile despite my anxiety.

Russ forced me to give a "thumbs up" for the second picture.

Since I had one of the pregnancy tests left that would reveal one or two lines, I told Russ that he should take it because I wanted to know if they were defective. He didn't really want to. He said, "Can't you just dip it in water?" I convinced him that it would be funnier if he took the test. So, after a little more coercing, he complied. Of course, the test Russ took only showed one line. It was the control line and it was very dark. We decided that I must have had so much pregnancy hormone in my system that on the intial two tests that I took, the pregnant line must have usurped all of the pink from the control line! A few weeks later, when I told my best friends from college that I was pregnant, one of them confirmed that it is possible for the control line to have the pink usurped from it! Who knew? Of course, I had to take a picture of Russ with his pregnancy test, too!

Since Russ' test was negative, I made him give the "thumbs down" sign!

So, here we are 1 year later with a healthy & growing 4.5 month-old boy! What a difference a year makes!

Big eyes!

Sweet smile at bath time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Russell wasn't pregnant. I don't know if the world could take another pregnant man!
